Sassa How to Change Bank Details

Sassa, the South African Social Security Agency, provides financial assistance to those in need. If you need to change your bank details with Sassa, the process is relatively straightforward. By following a few simple steps, you can ensure that your benefits are deposited into the correct account.

Step 1: Visit a Sassa Office

The first step in changing your bank details with Sassa is to visit a Sassa office near you. You will need to bring along your ID book, proof of residence, and a recent bank statement with your new bank details. Once you arrive at the office, speak to a Sassa representative who will assist you with the process.

Step 2: Complete the Necessary Forms

Once you have spoken to a Sassa representative, you will need to complete some forms in order to change your bank details. These forms will require you to provide your old bank details, your new bank details, and your personal information. Make sure to double-check that all the information you provide is accurate to avoid any delays in processing your request.

Step 3: Submit Your Forms

After you have completed the necessary forms, you will need to submit them to the Sassa representative. They will review your forms to ensure that everything is filled out correctly. If there are any errors or missing information, they will let you know so that you can correct it.

Step 4: Wait for Confirmation

Once you have submitted your forms, you will need to wait for confirmation from Sassa that your bank details have been successfully changed. This confirmation may come in the form of a letter or a phone call. Make sure to keep an eye out for any communication from Sassa regarding your request.

Step 5: Update Any Additional Accounts

After you have received confirmation from Sassa, it is important to update your new bank details with any other accounts that may be linked to your Sassa benefits. This could include your pension fund, medical aid, or any other financial institutions that you may have a relationship with.


Changing your bank details with Sassa is a relatively simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. By visiting a Sassa office, completing the necessary forms, submitting your forms, waiting for confirmation, and updating any additional accounts, you can ensure that your benefits are deposited into the correct account. If you have any questions or concerns about changing your bank details with Sassa, don’t hesitate to reach out to a Sassa representative for assistance.

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